E-mail to your friend inviting to join the picnic. Gazi Online School
Suppose some of your friends have decided to go on a picnic. Now, write an email to your friend Noman inviting her to join the picnic.
To: noman@gmail.com
Subject: Invitation to join the picnic.
Dear Noman,
How are you? I am passing my days quite well. However, I am writing this email to inform a very interesting plan. Now it is our winter vacation. You will be happy to know that I along with (সাথে) some of our friends have decided to go on a picnic at Sonargaon on 15 January, 2022. I cannot think of carrying out this plan without you. There will also be arrangements (ব্যবস্থা) for amusement (বিনোদন). There will be singing and dancing before meals (খাবার). We wish to spend a few hours in sight-seeing (দর্শনীয় স্থানাদিদর্শন) It would give us much pleasure if you could join us. Please do join us. Do not disappoint (হতাশ).
No more today. I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Your loving friend
Gazi Sharif
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