Child Labour in Bangladesh - Essay

Child Labour in Bangladesh

Introduction: Child labour is one of the major problems in a developing country like Bangladesh. It engineers the demolition of future generations. If a child is made to work from an early age, with no scope of going to school, we are gradually narrowing the nation's potential to a few privileged people of the county. Thus, it is more practical to work at a firm policy to gradually reduce it and set up safe homes for working children. In this regard, the Bangladesh government has made a policy commitment to the issue of child rights. Definition of child labour: The child labour has been defined as the employment of children under a certain age, set by national or international child labour laws. ILO Convention 138 sets 15 as the minimum age for admission to full time employment and 13 for light part time work. In countries with insufficiently developed economics and educational facilities, these ages are 14 and 12 respectively. For all hazardous works (বিপদসংকুল), the lower age limit is 18 years. Causes of child labour : There are several causes of child labour and they are more complex and context specific. However, more important reasons may be identified as under. (a) Poverty and vulnerability. (b) Low quality education. (c) Social and cultural traditions. (d) Children's own desire. Consequences of child labour: The perpetuation (TPT Pall) of child labour has far reaching consequences. It has its evil effects on the physical and mental development of a child as well as on the progress of the whole society.

socio-economic development.

Measures taken: In Bangladesh, different laws and regulations have been enacted with a view to protecting children from work. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Government of Bangladesh and ILO, IPEC was signed on Oct 11. 1994 and IPEC activities were started in 1995. Till now 97 action programmers have been implemented under IPEC. Measures to be taken : Although elimination (বিলোপ) of child labour is desirable but it is a difficult task in real term. For successful elimination, a co-ordinated, continuous and steady efforts can be justified. However, Phase by phases elimination of child labour may be possible if the following points are considered : 1. Identifying child workers : Identifying child workers is crucial for any sort of planning. However, it is Identifying child workers is crucial for a not easy to identify all child workers in the country. So, organized and up immediately and efforts should taken up immediately and efforts should continue from government, NGO's and social activists. 2. Enhancing educational programmers : Formal and non-formal education through full-time and part time schools, vocational training activities may be enhanced. Compulsory primary education should be Ensured and on going special stress on female education should be continued. 3. Strict actions : Government must take actions to strictly enforce measures to stop child labur and to make school attendance affordable. The enforcement machinery should be strengthened in terms of make school attendance affordable. The enforcement machinery manpower and logistic support. 4. Legal measures : Existing child labour laws need to be enforced effectively. The official machinery should be trained and sensitized about the child labour, relevant laws and regulations and need for penalizing the offenders. 5. Assistance to families: As extreme poverty compels children to go to work, policy measures to reduce pressure of poverty on the poor household should be adopted. Besides, some form of social assistance perhaps be provided by professional social workers, voluntary organizations or even religious bodies. Here, health care, income and employment generation schemes, credit facilities and integrated poverty alleviation and community development services should be considered. 6. Motivational and publicity campaign : The child workers themselves, their parents, their employers, the government, in fact all the sections of the people should be made fully aware of the harm of child labour. Awareness generation can be done through national campaigns, public meetings, media publicity, workshops, community formation etc. 7. Rehabilitation : Displacement of child labours should be followed by specific rehabilitation (পুনর্বাসন) programmers. Stalwarts in the country will be a pioneer in such cases. 8. Collection and dissemination of information : Collection and dissemination of information of child labour is essential for taking any initiative. The government should develop a database on child labour in the country. 9. Replacing working children with unemployed family members, should be considered. Conclusion : The stagnant, traditional and under developed economy, the social organizations and the traditional attitude of the society combine to perpetuate existing problem of child labour. Thus, the solution of this problem lies in rapid socio-economic development for removing poverty. The permanent solution will ultimately be found in the elimination of the factors, which compel the children to work. After all, it must be made sure that if child labour can not be totally abolished, at least the child must not be deprived from receiving education.

জাতীয় শিক্ষা সপ্তাহ উপলক্ষে শিক্ষার মনোন্নয়ন  শীর্ষক সেমিনারের সভাপতির ভাষণ তৈরি...
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