Completing Story “Wisdom of King Solomon.”

*** Read the beginning of the following story and complete it in your own way. Give a title to it.

Everybody has heard of Solomon. The king of the Jews was famous all over the world for his wealth and magnificence and especially for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba ruled another country. Hearing the name and fame of Solomon, she decided to test his wisdom...............................................

 Wisdom of King Solomon

Everybody has heard of Solomon. The king of the Jews was famous all over the world for his wealth and magnificence (মহিমা) and especially (বিশেষ করে) for his wisdom (বুদ্ধি/জ্ঞান). The Queen of Sheba ruled another country. Hearing the name and fame of Solomon, she decided to test his wisdom. The queen went to Solomon’s court. . She brought with her two garlands (গোলাপের মালা) of flowers. One is natural (প্রাকৃতিক) and another is artificial (কৃত্তিম). But both of them looks quite alike (একইরকম).

She placed (রাখল) the garlands on the table and said the king “Oh wise king, please look at the garlands. Tell me, which one is of real roses.” King Solomon looked at the two garlands for a time. He could not say anything. Then he got up, went to the window near the table and opened the window. Outside, there was the king’s garden. Soon a few bees flew into the room. They came near the garlands and sat on one of them. The king pointed to the garland with the bees on it and said to the Queen of Sheba, “This garland, Oh Queen, is the garland of real roses.” The Queen of Sheba clapped her hand and cried out, “May God give you a long life." Finally she admired (প্রসংশা করা) his wisdom.


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