Dialogue about how to eradicate illiteracy

Write a dialogue between you and your friend about how to eradicate illiteracy. 

Surovi:Good morning. How are you?  
Sharif:Good morning. I am fine and you? 
Surovi:I am fine. What are you  reading now? 
:I am reading an article on illiteracy (নিরক্ষরতা) problem of Bangladesh. What do you know about it?
:That’s really a nice topic. It is one of the greatest curse for our country.  For illiteracy, poor people are not aware of responsibilities (দায়িত্ব), rights (অধিকার), and the way of upgrading (উন্নতি ঘটানো) their conditions.
:You are right. It is the root (মূল) cause of ignorance (অজ্ঞতা) that hinders (বাধাগ্রস্থ করা) all our development (উন্নয়ন) efforts (প্রচেষ্টা). 
:Exactly! No development efforts can succeed (সফল) unless illiteracy is eradicated (দূরীকরণ).
:Right you are. Our girls and women are the worst (সবচেয়ে খারাপ) sufferers from illiteracy. But how can we get rid of (মুক্তি পাওয়া) this problem?
:I think the government should take proper steps (পদক্ষেপ) to solve this problem. The government should make education free (বিনামূল্যে) up to graduate (স্নাতক) level and help the poor students financially (আর্থিকভাবে).
:I an agree with your point. But only government cannot solve this problem. We all should come forward (এগিয়ে আসা) and work hand in hand to solve this problem.
:It is okay! But the government should start night schools again and take initiative (উদ্যোগ) so that our girls go to school and complete at least (অন্তত) primary education.
:You are right. But creating mass awareness  (গণসচেতনতা) is very important in this case (এক্ষেত্রে).
:You are right. If we develop mass awareness among the guardians (অভিভাবক), they will be aware of the importance of education. 
:Absolutely (একেবারে) right. We students also can persuade (অনুপ্রাণিত করা) illiterate guardians for sending their children to school. We should do it because it is our social (সামাজিক) duty.
:Exactly, if we all are sincere (আন্তরিক) in words and deeds (কথা ও কাজে) eradicating illiteracy from our country is possible.
We will talk more later (পরবর্তীতে. Stay well until (যতক্ষন পর্যন্ত না) we meet. Thanks for the nice discussion. 
:Thank you so much my dear friend.
: You are always welcome. 

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