E-mail to your brother not to adopt unfair means in the examination hall

*** Suppose, your brother Noman is going to sit for JSC examination. Now write an email to him advising to study regularly and not to adopt unfair means in the examination hall.

To: noman@gmail.com

Subject:  Advice not to adopt unfair means.

Dear Noman,

How are you? I am keeping my days quite well. I have received your letter yesterday. I know that your examination is knocking at the door (mwbœK‡U). So, I want to give you an advice in this regard (wel‡q).

 Nowadays, there is a bad tendency () among some students that they do not study. They adopt unfair   means (Am`ycvq) in the examination. It cannot make them perfect (mwVK). It will not be able to offer them real education. But I would like to make you cautious (mZK©) that you should never try to adopt unfair means in the examination. It is really (mwZ¨Kv‡i) crime (Aciva), which spoils (bó Kiv) a student forever (wPiZ‡i). One may pass the examination by adopting unfair means, but his future life is full of darkness (AÜKviv”Qbœ). So, my advice is that you never think of adopting unfair means in the examination rather (eis) you should be attentive to your studies. If you do so, you will darken (AÜKvi Kiv) your life.

No more today. Convey my Salam to parents.

Your elder brother


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