Paragraph about "Load shedding "
Load shedding
Load shedding has become a regular affair in our country. Load shedding means the suspension of the supply of electricity for a certain period . The causes of load shedding are many. The production of electricity is less than we need. Misuse of electricity is the main cause of electricity. Illegal connection of electricity is also responsible for load shedding. On the other hand, government is not sincere to produce to produce electricity in proportion to our demand. Again the number of mills and factories, offices, houses, shopping centers, hospitals, educational institutions etc. is increasing day by day. It is also a reason for load shedding. Load shedding causes great sufferings to the people and great loss to the country. At that time, A.C. lights, fans etc. can not function. At night there is complete darkness. People can not work ease in shops, offices and can not function normally. In summer we can not sleep.
We sweat in heat. Children, old people and patients suffer much. Due to load shedding even operations are stopped. Students suffer most. They can not read and take preparation for their examinations. Due to load shedding production in mills and factories is decreased. Fresh food taken in the refrigerator gets rotten . National production decreased. As a result the situation of load shedding is becoming very serious. But as a civilized nation we should not let load shedding continue. So the government and the people should work hand and hand for getting rid of load shedding by producing more electricity. On the other hand, our government should take immediate steps to remove this problem from our national life.
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