Village doctor - Paragraph

A Village Doctor

A village doctor is a person who gives medical treatment to the village people. A village doctor is a familiar (পরিচিত) figure (মুখ) in the village. The villagers (গ্রামের লোকেরা) call him a doctor and it makes him proud. He has a great demand in the village. A village doctor is a man of great importance in society. A village doctor plays an important role for the villagers’ health care.  A village doctor may not be a registered (নিবন্ধনকৃত) doctor. He receives some training by working under a qualified (যোগ্য) doctor some years. He has a dispensary (ডাক্তারখানা/ঔষধালয়) in his house. It has a table, a chair, one or two almirahs (আলমারী) with few medicines. He gets up early in the morning. He treats (চিকিৎসা করা) his patients very carefully.

He gives them advice and medicine. After finishing his duty there, he goes out (বাহিরে যাওয়া) to see other patients in the villages. He serves (সেবা দান করা) the patient as a real public servant. A village doctor always passes busy hours. He is called in even after midnight (মধ্যরাত). He is often called in because he is cheap (সস্তা), available (সহজলভ্য) and friendly. Sometimes he spends the whole night sitting beside a patient. But he takes small fees from the patients. Sometimes he gives free treatment to the poor. Really a village doctor is an important person to the villagers. He is loved and respected by all. He is not only a doctor but also a good friend to the villagers. His importance cannot be ignored (অবহেলা). Necessary steps (পদক্ষেপ) should be taken to improve his medical knowledge and skills (দক্ষতা).

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