Application to the Headmaster for a testimonial. - Gazi Online School

Suppose, You are Mofiz Khan. You have passed the S.S.C exam. this year from Monohardi Govt. Pilot Model High School. You intend to get yourself admitted into a college. So, you require a testimonial to get admitted there. Now,  write an application to the Headmaster of your school for a testimonial. 

13th December, 2021

The Headmaster

Monohardi Govt. Pilot Model High School

Monohardi, Norsingdi. 

Subject:  Prayer for a testimonial.

Dear Sir,

I beg most respectfully to state that I had been a student of your school for the last five years. I passed  the S.S.C examination from your school in 2021 in science group bearing Roll No-107214. I was placed in the A+ grade. Now I wish to get myself admitted into a college. So I need a testimonial from you.

May I, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to issue me a testimonial referring to my character, academic records and other activities  during the period I was in your school.

I remain Sir

Your most obedient pupil

Mofiz Khan

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