Deforestation - Exclusive Paragraph- (SSC-HSC)- Gazi Online School


Forests are the world’s air conditioning system-the lung (ফুসফুস) of this beautiful planet (গ্রহ). But it is a matter of sorrow (দুঃখের বিষয়) that, this important organ (অঙ্গ) is being affected (আক্রান্ত) due to (কারনে) deforestation. Deforestation (বন উজাড়/বন নিধন) means cutting down trees in large number. The causes of deforestation are many. People cut down trees to draw quick profit (লাভ) from them. To get more space (জায়গা) for cultivation (চাষ) people are clearing forest land. Besides these, the lucrative (লুকরেটিভ-লোভনীয়) price of wood allures (এলিউরস-প্রলুব্ধ করা) people to cut down trees. Deforestation has a long term bad effect on our life. This disturbs our ecological balance.

The existence of birds and animals are threatened (থ্রেটেন্ড- হুমকি). Due to deforestation carbon dioxide increases (বৃদ্ধি). As a result, global (বিশ্বব্যাপী) warming occurs (ঘটে). Today due to global warming the sea level is rising and many parts of the world are going to be engulfed (গ্রাস). On the other hand, new areas, of the world are turning into (পরিনত হওয়া) deserts as an immediate (তাৎক্ষনিক) effect of deforestation. We may face the problem of flood, soil erosion (ভাঙ্গন) and drought (ড্রট-অনাবৃষ্টি) etc. In fact, there will have no vibration on life on this beautiful planet if there are no trees on it. A man having no children faces an utter uncertain (অনিশ্চিত) future; a country without trees is supposed to (সম্ভবত/অনুমান করা) face the same consequence (ফলাফল). We can take many measures (পদক্ষেপ) to prevent deforestation. Tree plantation programme should be expanded (বৃদ্ধি) to the remote (দূরবর্তী) corner of the country. The government should introduce more T.V and radio programmes on the subject of afforestation (বনায়ন/বৃক্ষরোপন). The common people should be informed of the danger of deforestation. Besides, the conscious people of the society can influence (প্রভাবিত করা) the common people to plant more and more trees.   

স্বশিক্ষা অর্জনে বই পড়ার গুরুত্ব - অনুচ্ছেদ। নবম শ্রেণি । বাংলা অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট-১ম সপ্তাহ - ২০২১
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