Degree Changing- SSC Board Question analysis with answer - Gazi Online School

Degree Changing- SSC Board Question analysis 

 Set: A

(1) Man is the best creation of God. (Comparative) Dhaka Board – 2019

Ans: Man is better than any other creation of God.

(2) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive) Cumilla Board – 2019

Ans: Very few inventions of modern science are as great as computer.

(3) He was one of the greatest kind men of the world. (Positive) Chattogram Board – 2019

Ans: Very few kind men of the world were as great as he.

 (4) Corruption is one of the worst evils. (Positive) Jashore Board – 2016, Sylhet Board – 2019

Ans:  Very few evils are as bad as corruption.

(5) E-commerce has become one of the most popular topics to the customers. (Positive) Barisal Board – 2019

Ans: Very few topics to the customers have become as popular as E-commerce.  

Set: B

(6) It is the greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. (Comparative) Rajshahi Board – 2019

Ans: It is greater than all other virtues in a man’s life.

(7) Facebook is the best of all social networks. (Make comparative degree) Dinajpur Board – 2019

Ans: Facebook is better than all other social networks.

 (8) Nothing is as disastrous as terrorism. (Comparative) Jashore Board – 2019

Ans: Terrorism is more disastrous than anything.

 (9) It is one of the most corrosive problems of the modern world. (Positive) Jashore Board – 2019

Ans: Very few problems of the modern world are as corrosive as it.

(10) Very few conquerors of the world were as great as Taimur. (Superlative) All Board – 2018

Ans: Taimur was one of the greatest conquerors of the world.

Set: C

 (11) The province of a powerful prince was, once attacked by young Taimur. (Superlative) All Board - 2018


(12) But, it is better than not answering at all. (Positive) Jashore Board – 2017

Ans: But, not answering at all is as good as it.

 (13) Their contribution is greater than any other thing (Make it positive) Dinajpur Board – 2017

Ans: No other thing is as great as their contribution.

 (14) A freedom fighter is the greatest son of the soil. (Make it Comparative sentence) Dinajpur Board – 2017

Ans: A freedom fighter is greater than any other son of the soil.

(15) It is the largest sea-beach in the world. (Comparative) Rajshahi Board – 2017, Chattogram Board – 2015

Ans: It is larger than any other sea-beach in the world.

Set: D

 (16) It is one of the most beautiful sea-beaches in the world. (Positive) Rajshahi Board – 2017, Chattogram Board – 2015

Ans: Very few sea-beaches in the world are as beautiful as it.

(17) No other man is as happy as a successful man. (Superlative) Chattogram Board – 2016

Ans: A successful man is the happiest man.

 (18) A hardworking man is healthier than an idle man. (Positive) Chattogram Board – 2016

Ans: An idle man is not as healthy as a hardworking man.

(19) Women should work as much as men. (Comparative) Chattogram Board – 2017

Ans: Women should not work less than men.

(20) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed student. (Use superlative degree) Chattogram Board – 2017

Ans: A failed student is the worst student in the class.

Set: E

(21) Haji Mohammad Mohsin was more generous than any other men in this subcontinent. (Use positive degree) Jashore Board – 2015, Cumilla Board – 2017, Sylhet Board – 2020

Ans: No other man in this continent was as generous as Haji Mohammad Mohsin.

(22) Books are the greatest friends. (Use Positive degree) Sylhet Board – 2017

Ans: No other friends are as great as books.

 (23) She is one of the greatest persons of the world. (Make it positive) Dhaka Board – 2017

Ans: Very few persons of the world are as great as she.

 (24) He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive) Barishal Board – 2017

Ans: Very few cap makers with palm leaves were as good as he.

 (25) He is older than I. (Positive degree) Cumilla Board – 2016

Ans: I am not as old as he. 

Set: F

 (26) William Wordsworth is one of the best well-known poets in English literature (Positive) Dinajpur Board – 2016

Ans: Very few well-known poets in English literature are as good as William Wordsworth.

 (27) Flood is one of the most dangerous natural disasters. (Use comparative degree) Barishal Board – 2016

Ans: Flood is more dangerous than most other natural disasters.

 (28) Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone. (Use positive degree) Barishal Board – 2016

Ans: No other city in the earthquake zone is as risky as Dhaka.

 (29) He was one of the greatest dramatists in Bangla literature. (Make it positive degree) Dinajpur Board – 2015

Ans: Very few dramatists in Bangla literature were as great as he.

 (30) My jungle hut is one of the most peaceful places in the world. (Make positive degree) Sylhet Board – 2016

Ans: Very few places in the world are as peaceful as my jungle hut.

Set: G

(31) Very few friends are as great as a good book. (Make superlative sentence) Dhaka Board – 2016

Ans: A good book is one of the greatest friends.

 (32) A healthy poor man is happier than a sick moneyed man. (Use positive degree) Cumilla Board – 2020, 2015

Ans: A sick moneyed man is not as happy as a healthy poor man.

 (33) Television is one of the most wonderful inventions of modern science. (Make positive voice) Dhaka Board – 2015

Ans: very few inventions of modern science are as wonderful as television.

 (34) Very few things are as useful as television. (Make Superlative degree) Dhaka Board – 2015

Ans: Television is one of the most useful things.

(35) Mushin was one of the best philanthropists in the world. (Positive) Barishal Board – 2015

Ans: very few philanthropists in the world were as good as Muhsin.

Set: H

(36) The rose is the best of all flowers. (Positive) Rajshahi Board – 2015

Ans: No other flowers are as good as the rose.

 (37) It is lovelier than all other flowers. (Superlative) Rajshahi Board – 2015

Ans: It is the loveliest of all flowers.  

 (38) No other student in the class is as bad as a failed one. (Superlative) Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: A failed student is the worst one in the class.

(39) He was one of the best cap makers with palm leaves. (Positive) Barisal Board – 2017

Ans: very few cap makers with palm leaves were as good as he.

(40) She was one of the most intelligent girls in the school. (Positive) Dhaka Board – 2020

Ans: very few girls in the school were so/as intelligent as she.

Set: I

(41) Terrorism is more disastrous than anything. (Positive) Rajshahi Board – 2020

Ans: Nothing is so/as disastrous as terrorism.

(42) Gold is one of the most precious metals. (Positive) Jashore Board – 2020

Ans: very few metals are as precious as gold.

(43) Computer is one of the most important inventions of modern science. (Positive) Chattogram Board – 2020

Ans: very few inventions of modern science are as important as Computer.

 (44) Internet is as important as computer. (Comparative) Chattogram Board – 2020

Ans: Internet is not less important than computer.

or, Computer is not more important than internet.

 (45) It is greater than all other inventions of modern science.  (Superlative) Chattogram Board – 2020

Ans: It is the greatest of all inventions of modern science.

Set: J

(46) Youth is the most valuable season of life. (Positive) Barisal Board – 2020

Ans: No other season in life is as valuable as youth.

 (47) Books are the greatest friends. (Positive) Dinajpur Board – 2020

Ans: No other friends are as great as books.

 (48) Reading books is the noblest habit. (Comparative) Dinajpur Board – 2020

Ans: Reading books is nobler than any other habit.

 (49) At present, it is the most popular game in our country. (Comparative) Mymensingh Board – 2020

Ans: At present, it is more popular than any other game in our country.


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