Digital Bangladesh - Composition - Gazi Online School
Digital Bangladesh
Introduction: The world is becoming a digital planet (গ্রহ). Use of Information and Communication (যোগাযোগ) Technology (প্রযুক্তি) has brought the nations of the world closer. At present, almost every state (রাষ্ট্র) is running to become a knowledge based society. Bangladesh cannot remain out of it and the Government has declared (ঘোষনা করল) to turn (রুপান্তর) Bangladesh into a digital one by 2021. 'Digital Bangladesh' is a concept (ধারনা) that will make our country more efficient (দক্ষ), transparent (স্বচ্ছ) and productive (উত্পাদনশীল/কার্যক্ষম).
Meaning of 'Digital Bangladesh: The word 'Digital' refers (নির্দেশ করা) to a system based on continuous (চলমান) flow (প্রবাহ) of data or events. The object of establishing a 'Digital Bangladesh' is to ensure (নিশ্চিত করা) an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) driven knowledge-based society. In such society information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks (কাজ) of the government, semi-government (আধা সরকারী) and also private insinuations will be processed using technology.
Present scenario (দৃশ্যকল্প): Bangladesh has been connected (সংযুক্ত হল) to worldwide (বিশ্বব্যাপী) Internet Super High way through an under sea submarine cable. Yet in the field of ICT, our only grand success lies in Mobile Telecommunication which has brought about a radical change in in telecommunication of the country. In other spheres of ICTT (Information and Communication Technologies for Teaching), our achievements are not remarkable (লক্ষ্যনীয়).
Problems and challenges: The promise of a Digital Bangladesh has inspired (অনুপ্রাণিত করে) great hopes for the people in Bangladesh, especially (বিশেষ করে) for the young. Unfortunately (দুভার্গ্যবশত), the prospect (সম্ভাবনা) of Digital Bangladesh is being hindered (বাধাগ্রস্থ) due to poverty (দারিদ্রতা). Also, general development of the country is being hampered (ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ) by pervasive (ব্যাপক) corruption (দূর্নীতি) in government. Besides, low literacy (স্বাক্ষরতা) rate is another barrier (প্রতিবন্ধকতা) on the way of a Digital Bangladesh.
What the government should do: Govt. must take on action plan (কর্ম পরিকল্পনা) to make Digital Bangladesh a success. Bangladesh is still a village-based (গ্রাম ভিত্তিক) country. So village centered (কেন্দ্রিক) development (উন্নয়ন) plan should be adopted (গ্রহণ করতে হবে). Technology should be made easily available to all classes of people.
Conclusion: Digital Bangladesh can be successful in an atmosphere (পরিবেশ) of democracy (গণতন্ত্র), transparency (স্বচ্ছতা) and accountability (জবাবদিহীতা). Therefore, the people of Bangladesh should work together to make Bangladesh a modern, technologically sophisticated (অত্যাধুনিক) country. If necessary, our national policies should be reformulated (সংস্কার করা); Politicians will have to come out (বের হয়ে আসা) of their self interest (স্বার্থ) and should work for the common interest of the nation.
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