Dividing a piece of Bread - Completing Story - Gazi Online School

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One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to divide it into two equal parts but failed. Because each rat wanted the larger part of the bread. They even fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey who was considered the wisest animal in the forest. They went………… 

Dividing a piece of Bread

One day two rats stole a piece of bread. They tried to divide it into two equal parts but failed. Because each rat wanted the larger part of the bread. They even fought for that. Lastly, they agreed to put up their problem to the monkey who was considered (বিবেচনা করা হয়) the wisest (সবচেয়ে জ্ঞানী) animal in the forest. They went to the monkey. They asked the monkey to divide to divide the bread into two equal parts. The monkey behaved (আচরন করল) very gently (ভদ্রভাবে) with them. He said that it would be very costly (দামী) for them. It was better for them to settle (মীমাংসা) it among themselves.

But they did not agree (রাজী). Then the monkey brought a pair of scales (দাড়ি পাল্লা) and tore (ছিঁড়ে ফেলল) out the bread into two pieces. He put the pieces on the scales. The cunning (চতুর) monkey divided the pieces in such a way (এমনভাবে) that those were not equally divided. He cut a small piece from the heavier piece and ate. Then the other piece became heavier (অধিকতর ভারী). Then the monkey took a portion (অংশ) from that heavier piece and put it on the scales. Again the breads on the scales were unequal (অসমান) and the clever monkey ate another small part of the larger portion. He continued this method and the bread piece became smaller gradually. The rats understood (বুঝতে পারল) the monkey’s trick (চালঅকি/ধোঁকাবাজি). Then they requested the monkey to stop that. They said that they would divide it equally themselves. They asked for the small piece bread. But the clever monkey claimed (দাবি করল) the rest (বাকি) of the piece of bread as his charge (মূল্য). Finally the monkey ate the remaining (বাকি) piece of bread. The two rats left the place with a very sad mood (ভীষন্ন মন). This incident (বিষয়/ঘটনা) made the wise (জ্ঞানী) too. 

An Honest Woodcutter and the Beautiful Fairy - Completing Story. -Gazi Online School.
Exclusive rules for Right Form of Verbs - SSC- HSC- Gazi Online School

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