Moonlit night -Paragraph -JSC-SSC-HSC -Gazi Online School
A moonlit night
A moonlit night is a thing of joy and beauty. A moonlit night is really charming (মনোরম) and enjoyable (উপভোগ্য). It gives a nice view. The night in which the moon shines brightly (উজ্জলভাবে) in the clear sky is called moonlit night. It is a night of beauty and joy. In a moonlit night the moon looks like a dish (খাবারের থালা) of silver (রুপা). The moon washes the whole world with her silvery (রুপালী) light. Rivers, canals (খাল), ponds and tanks (জলাশয়) seem (মনে হওয়া) to smile on the moonlit night. The trees and creepers (লতা) look bright and sparking (জ্বলজ্বল করা). The flowers glitter (চকচকে) in the garden like pearls (মুক্তা) . Birds come out (বেরিয়ে আসে) of their nests (বাসা) and fly. The whole nature (প্রকৃতি) looks bright.
People of all age enjoy a moonlit night. Young boys and girls and little boys and girls plays and amuse (আনন্দ করা) themselves. A moonlit night is really enjoyable to a newly married (বিবাহিত) couple (দম্পতি). Poets of all language ages to sing highly of a moonlit night. It loses the dullness (নীরসতা) of a night and thrills (রোমাঞ্চকর) our heart. It is a great pleasure and source of recreation (বিনোদন) for the people.
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