Science Fair-Paragraph. Gazi Online School.

Science Fair

A science fair is an event where students present their science projects and experiments (পরীক্ষা) to a larger audience (দর্শক). To-day, it is very common in our country. It continues for a week or a month. It is open for all from morning till evening (সন্ধ্যা). The main goal (লক্ষ্য) of a science fair is to encourage (উৎসাহ দেওয়া) students to explore (খোঁজ করা) science and develop their critical (সমালোচনামূলক) thinking. Science fairs typically (সাধারনত) take place at schools, universities, or other educational institutions. Students are usually judged (বিচার করা) based on the quality of their projects, their presentation (উপস্থাপনা) skills, and their ability to explain their work. Science fairs are a great way to promote (বৃদ্ধি করা) science education and inspire young people to explore the field of science.  In Bangladesh, there are several science fairs held every year at the national and regional (আঞ্চলিক) levels to encourage students. One of the biggest science fairs in Bangladesh is the National Science and Technology Fair organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. This fair attracts (আকৃষ্ট করা) thousands of students from all over the country. Apart from (তাছাড়া/এছাড়া) the national level, many schools and colleges also organize their own science fairs to promote science education. Science fairs are a great way to promote science education and inspire the next generation (প্রজন্ম) of scientists and engineers in Bangladesh.

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