My Aim in Life Or, Future Plan of Life-Composition - Gazi Online School

My aim in life

An aim is nothing but a particular (নির্দিষ্ট) goal (উদ্দেশ্য) of a man’s life. Every man has an aim in life. A man without (ছাড়া) an aim is like a ship without a ruder (বৈঠা). Without a rudder a boatman cannot cross (পার হওয়া) a river. Thus without an aim a man cannot reach his goal. It is a great virtue ( ভার্চু -গুণ) and everybody should have it. A man cannot succeed (সফল) in life without it. A fixed (নির্দিষ্ট) aim helps a man to succeed in life. But choosing of a profession (পেশা) is very difficult. There are so many paths (পথ) and ways. So it is very difficult to choose a suitable profession. However (যাই হোক), every man needs an aim in life.

Different men have different aims in life. Some want to be high officials (কর্মকর্তা) or scholars (পন্ডিত)or poets (কবি) etc. Some want to be a doctor or an engineer or a teacher and so on. There are many professions. So it is difficult to choose a correct one.  I am a student of class nine. I have a definite aim of my life. The aim of life is to become a doctor and serve (সেবা করা) the poor villagers (গ্রামবাসী). My father who is a doctor always inspires (অনুপ্রাণিত করা) me to be a doctor like him. My teachers have also given their permission (অনুমতি) to it. So I have made up my mind to be a doctor.

The reason of my so choice (পছন্দ) is that most of the people of our village are poor and illiterate (নিরক্ষর). Good doctors are not available (সহজলভ্য) in the villages. So they do not get help and advice (উপদেশ) of a good doctor. There are a few quacks (হাতুড়ে ডাক্তার) but they cannot serve them properly. Rather (বরং) they extort (জোর করে আদায় করা) money from the simple (সাধারণ) villagers (গ্রামবাসী). They suffer (ভোগা) from many diseases (রোগ) and often (প্রায়ই) die a premature (অকাল) death. Many people meet untimely (অসয়ে/অকালে) death for want of (অভাবে) proper (সঠিক) treatment (চিকিৎসা). The service (কাজ/সেবা) of a good doctor is very important. By observing (দেখে) their miseries (দুর্দশা), my heart fills (পূর্ণ) with deep (গভীর) sorrow (দুঃখ). I cannot tolerate (সহ্য করা) these circumstances (পরিস্থিতি). I want to help them in proper treatment. So I have decided to be a doctor and serve (সেবা করা) them.  

After passing the SSC examination, I shall get myself admitted into a college in science group. When I will pass the H.S.C examination, I shall get myself admitted into a medical college for M.B.B.S. After having M.B.B.S, I shall come back (ফিরে আসা) to my village and serve the people. I shall take no fee from the poor. But I shall take charge (মূল্য/দাম) from the rich people. If I can earn enough money, I shall set up (স্থাপন করা) a charitable dispensary (দাতব্য চিকিৎসালয়) for the treatment (চিকিৎসা) of the villagers (গ্রামবাসী).  I shall distribute (বিতরণ করা) medicine to the poor free of cost (বিনা মূল্যে). I have also a plan to set up (স্থাপন করা) a hospital with few beds. 

Everybody must have an aim. An aimless (লক্ষ্যহীন) life is not a life at all. Success in life depends (নির্ভর করা) largely upon the right choice of profession. So at the time of making such a choice we should think our liking and abilities (সক্ষমতা).  I shall try my best to fulfill my aim in life. I shall be very happy if I become successful in this profession.  

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A village fair - Composition- Gazi Online School

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