The life of a Fisherman-Paragraph-Gazi Online School.

The life of a Fisherman

A fisherman is a person who earns his living (জীবীকা) by catching and selling fish. He catches fish in rivers, lakes (হ্রদ), haors, beels, canals, ponds and in other watery (জলময়) places. Sometimes he catches fish in the deep sea. Then his life is at risk (বিপদাপন্ন). Sometimes he is hired (ভাড়া করা) to catch fish in someone's pond or ditch (খাদ). Then he gets a share of the fish he catches. A fisherman is also seen to keep busy with making and repairing his fishing nets and other tools (যন্ত্রপাতি). Sometimes his family members help him in these jobs. However, most of the fishermen do not have their own boats and nets. So, they have to hire these. They cannot earn much after paying the hiring cost. A fisherman has to work hard in good and bad weather. But his earning is very little. He has to live from hand to mouth (দিনে এনে দিনে খাওয়া)His life is tale (Mí) of hardship. It is rare (`yj©f) when his economic (A_©‰bwZK) condition was better than what it is now. He never lives happily and peacefully (kvwšÍc~Y©fv‡e). Always he leads (Pvjbv Kiv) a poor life.  Very often he goes for catching fish in big rivers and in the sea. While staying in the sea he has to face rough (খারাপ) weather or any difficulty. In these cases, the fishermen need to keep a radio or mobile set so that they can know the updated weather forecast (ভবিষ্যদ্বানী/পূর্বভাস). But many fishermen cannot buy these modern things. So, sometimes these fishermen lose their lives while catching fish away from the shore. A fisherman contributes a lot towards the economy of the country. He supplies us with fishes. Besides, we earn a huge (বিশাল/প্রকান্ড) amount of foreign currency (মুদ্রা) by exporting (রপ্তানি) fish. It is very difficult for a fisherman to improve his condition. For this he can form a co-operative (সহযোগিতামূলক/সমবায়) society.  Their profession (‡ckv) is very important for our country. They play a vital (gyL¨) role (f~wgKv) in our economic condition. His service is really great. He is friend to all. So we should not neglect (Ae‡njv Kiv) him. We should respect (kÖ×v) them. At the same time, the government may give them loans (ঋণ) on easy terms to buy their necessary tolls.

A dialogue about the causes and effects of water pollution. Gazi Online School.

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