Unity is strength - Completing story - Gazi Online School

Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

An old farmer had four/three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. One day the farmer told his sons to bring a bundle of sticks..................

Unity is Strength

Or, United will stand, Divided we Fall

Or, United is Strength, Disruption is Ruin.


An old farmer had four/three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. One day the farmer told his sons to bring a bundle (আঁটি/গুচ্ছ) of sticks. They brought a bundle of three sticks. 

Then the old farmer asked the eldest son to break the bundle. The eldest son tried (চেষ্টা করল) his level best but failed. Then the farmer asked his second sons to break the bundle. But he failed too. Similarly (একইভাবে) the third son tried hard but did not succeed (সফল). The farmer then untied (খুলে দিল) the bundle of the sticks and he told his sons to break the sticks one by one. His sons took the single stick and broke that very easily. Then the farmer said to his sons, “You see, my son, each of you broke one stick easily. But none of you could break the bundle of sticks. Then the old farmer told his sons “If you live together unitedly (একতাবদ্ধভাবে), nobody can harm (ক্ষতি) you and if you quarrel (ঝগড়া করা) and become separate (আলাদা), anybody (যে কেউ) can harm you like the single sticks.” After hearing this, the sons perceived (বুঝতে পারা/হৃদয়াঙ্গম করা) the message of their father. The three sons of the old farmer promised (ওয়াদা করল) to live together in future.

Moral: Unity is strength 

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