A letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspaper regularly.
*** Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to read newspaper regularly.
13th February,
Uttara, Dhaka
My dear Noman,
I received your letter from father yesterday. I am very sorry to learn that you are poor in general knowledge. I have told you many/several times that no man can prosper in life without in general knowledge in life. I like to tell you that the best way to make good the deficiency to read news paper regularly. The benefits of reading newspaper are many. Textbooks cannot give you day to day information. Newspapers are called the store house of knowledge. Newspaper brings the news of the current affairs of the world. By reading newspaper you can learn about the knowledge of modern science and technology, games and sports, trade and commerce, plans and programmes, culture and literature and what not. Newspaper will help you to enrich your knowledge of language. To become a successful citizen of the modern world you must read newspaper regularly.
No more today. More when we shall meet. Convey my best regards to the parents and love for the youngers.
Your elder brother
Gazi Sharif
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