Completing Story “Failure is the pillar of success.”

 *** Read the beginning of the story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it.

Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. His army was defeated again and again against the King Edward-1 of England. Being defeated for six times he lost his hope. ……………..

 Failure is the pillar of success. 

Or, A king was insfired by a spider

Robert Bruce was the king of Scotland. His army was defeated again and again against the king Edward I of England. Being defeated six times, he lost all hope and so he was very sad. To save his life, he fled away with his many faithful soldiers to  a forest and took shelter in a cave.

Being defeated many times, he was disappointed (হতাশ). One day, the king was lying in the cave in a gloomy mood. Suddenly, he noticed a spider. It was trying to climb up the top of the ceiling. But it fell down again and again. But it did not give up its attempts (প্রচেষ্টা). At the seventh attempt, it succeeded. This encouraged the king very much. The perseverance (অধ্যবসায়)  of the spider encouraged Bruce. He made up his mind again and gathered his soldiers together, he led an expedition (অভিযান) against England. He overthrew (পরাজয়) the English army and secured (সুরক্ষিত করল) the independence (স্বাধীনতা) of Scotland.   

Completing Story “Grasp all, lose all or, Greed brings downfall”
Completing Story “All that glitters is not gold”

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