Voice Change: Voice with “Present Participle”

Voice with “Present Participle”

Transitive Verbs that take present participle: catch, describe, feel, find, hear, imagine, keep, leave, like, notice, observe, picture, prevent, save, see, send, spot, stop, want, watch

Active structure: Subject + Verb + object + present participle + (object of participle)

Passive structure: Object + Auxiliary + VPP + present participle + (object of participle) + by + subject. Examples:

Active: We saw him watching an extraordinarily enjoyable English movie.

Passive: He was seen watching an extraordinarily enjoyable English movie by us.

Voice with “Reflexive objects”

Active structure: Subject + Verb + reflexive objective.

Passive structure: Subject + auxiliary according to tense + VPP + by + reflexive object. Examples:

Active: She could not kill herself.

Passive: She could not be killed by herself.

Voice with “Quasi-Passive verb”

Active structure: Subject + Quasi-passive verb + adjective/adverb/V +ing

Passive structure: Subject + auxiliary + VPP of Quasi-passive +adjective/adverb/ V+ing


Active: Honey tastes sweet.

Passive: Honey is tasted sweet. (or Honey is sweet when /if it is tasted)

Active: The book reads well.

Passive: The book is read well.

Active: The building is building.

Passive: The building is being built.

Active: Rice sells cheap.

Passive: Rice is sold cheap or Rice is cheap when it is sold.

Voice Change: Voice with “Gerund”
Voice Change : Voice with “it is/was time”

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