Voice Change: Voice of Factitive Object

Voice of Factitive Object

Factitive Verbs:  elect, select, nominate, make, call, name, term etc.

Active structure:  Subject + factitive verb + object + factitive object.

Passive structure: Object + auxiliary + VPP + factitive object + by + subject.

Examples: Active               : We made him chairman.

Passive            : He was made chairman by us.

Active               : Mr. Sikdar teaches us English.

Passive             : English is taught us by Sikdar.

Voice with “cognate object”

Verbs that take cognate objects: run, think, dance, sleep, dream, live, smile, die, laugh, sigh, fight etc.

Active structure: Subject + verb + cognate object.

Passive structure: Cognate object + auxiliary + VPP + by + subject.


Active              : He ran a race.

Passive            : A race was run by him.

Active              : He thinks of a great thought.

Passive           : A great thought is thought of by him.

Active             : The boy ran a race.

Passive          : A race was run by the boy.

Active            : Mamta dreamt a sweet dream.

Passive         : A sweet dream was dreamt by Mamta.

Voice with “Quasi-Passive verb”

Active structure: Subject + Quasi-passive verb + adjective/adverb/V +ing

Passive structure: Subject + auxiliary + VPP of Quasi-passive +adjective/adverb/ V+ing


Active: Honey tastes sweet.

Passive: Honey is tasted sweet. (or Honey is sweet when /if it is tasted)

Active: The book reads well.

Passive: The book is read well.

Active: The building is building.

Passive: The building is being built.

Active: Rice sells cheap.

Passive: Rice is sold cheap or Rice is cheap when it is sold.

Voice with “Modals”

Modals: may, might, can, could, shall, will, should, would, must, need, dare, ought to, used to, be to, have to, be going to etc.

Active Structure: Subject + modal V + Main V + object.

Passive Structure: Object + modal V + be + Main VPP + by + subject. Examples:

Active: The new workers can distribute the mangoes equally.

Passive: The mangoes can be distributed equally by the new workers.

Active structure: Subject + modal + be + Verb + ing + object.

Passive structure: Object + modal + be + being + VPP + by+ Subject. Examples:

Active: We should be helping the needy.

Passive: The needy should be being helped by us.

Active: The stout foxes might be befooling the younger ones.

Passive: The younger ones might be being befooled by the stout foxes.

Active: You could be changing the voice.

Passive: The voice could be being changed by you.

Active structure: Subject + modal + have + VPP + object.

Passive structure: Object + modal + have + been + VPP + by+ subject. Examples:

Active: We ought to have changed our decision.

Passive: Our decision ought to have been changed by us.

Active structure: Subject + modal + have + been + V + ing + object

Passive structure: Object + modal + have + been + being + VPP + by + subject. Examples:

Active: We must have been using improved technology in medical science. Passive: Improved technology must have been being used in medical science by us.

 Voice with “Reflexive objects”

Active structure: Subject + Verb + reflexive objective.

Passive structure: Subject + auxiliary according to tense + VPP + by + reflexive object. Examples:

Active: She could not kill herself.

Passive: She could not be killed by herself.

Voice with “it is/was time”

Active structure 1: It is time + to + verb + object.

Passive structure 1: It is time + that + object + should be + VPP. Or, It is time + for + object + to be + VPP. Examples:

Active: It is time to do the work.

Passive: It is time that the work should be done (or It is time for the work to be done).

Active structure 2: It is time + subject + V2 + object.

Passive structure 2: It is time + for /(that)+ object + auxiliary + to be/(should be) +VPP + by + subject. Examples:

Active: It is time we changed our winning strategy. Passive: It is time for our winning strategy to be changed by us.

Active: It is time they re-encountered the gang. Passive: It is time that the gang should be  re-encountered by them.

Voice with “Present Participle”

Transitive Verbs that take present participle: catch, describe, feel, find, hear, imagine, keep, leave, like, notice, observe, picture, prevent, save, see, send, spot, stop, want, watch

Active structure: Subject + Verb + object + present participle + (object of participle)

Passive structure: Object + Auxiliary + VPP + present participle + (object of participle) + by + subject. Examples:

Active: We saw him watching an extraordinarily enjoyable English movie.

Passive: He was seen watching an extraordinarily enjoyable English movie by us.

Voice with “Gerund”

Transitive verbs that take gerunds: advise, insist, propose, recommend, suggest, admit, anticipate, avoid, consider, contemplate, delay, defer, deny, detest, dislike, discuss, enjoy, escape, excuse, fancy, finish, forgive, imagine, involve, keep, loathe, mind, miss, practice, pardon, postpone, resume, recollect, recall, risk, report, remember, resent, resist, start, stop, tolerate, understand, quiet etc.

Active structure: Subject + verb +    gerund + object of gerund

Passive structure: Subject + verb + that + object of gerund + should be + VPP (of gerund)

  • There are variations according to meaning

Active: They unanimously proposed to hold a meeting. Passive: They unanimously proposed that a meeting should be held.

Active: We insist on playing the music late at night.

Passive: We insist that the music should be played late at night.

Active: She avoids meeting her friends.

Passive: She avoids that her friends are not met.

Active: We can vividly remember making our first plane journey.

Passive: We can vividly remember that our first plane journey was made.

Voice with “bare infinitive”

Bare Infinitive verbs: feel, listen to, observe, watch, hear, notice, make, see, let, help Active structure: Subject + verb + object + bare infinitive phrase Passive structure: Object + auxiliary + VPP + to + bare infinitive phrase + by + subject Examples:

Active: The manager of the company made the black sheep of the workers leave the factory.

Passive: The black sheep of the workers was made to leave the factory by the manager of the company.

Voice with “Infinitive”

Active structure: Subject + verb + object + infinitive phrase

Passive structure: Object + auxiliary + VPP + infinitive phrase + by + subject Examples:

Active: He advised me to obey the honest people.

Passive: I was advised to obey the honest people by him.

Voice with “there”

Active structure: There is/are/was/were/will be/has been etc + Noun Phrase + to-infinitive

Passive structure: There is/are/was/were/will be/has been etc + Noun Phrase + to be + VPP


Active: There are many stories to learn.

Passive: There are many stories to be learnt/learned.

Active: There is no time to waste standing here.

Passive: There is no time to be wasted standing here.

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