Dialogue between you and community leader to make Community Green. Gazi Online School.

*** Dialogue between you and community leader to

make Community Green. 

Myself                           : Good morning. How are you?

Community leader        : Good morning. I am fine and you?

Myself                           : I am also fine. Are you busy now?

Community leader        : No. Why?

Myself                           : I want to talk with you about an important matter.

Community leader        : Of course. I am always ready to tell you whatever you wish to know.  

Myself                           : I have a little idea making a green community? Can you tell me more about it?

Community leader        : Yes, of course.

Myself                           : How can we make our community green?

Community leader        : In this regard, we must know about afforestation.

Myself                           : What is afforestation?

Community leader        : It means planting more and more trees. We need to know the bad impact of global warming. We must take care of plants.

Myself                           : How can we take care of plants?

Community leader        : We have to provide all the components to grow trees properly. We need to provide fertilizers and water properly.

Myself                           : Is there anything else?

Community leader        : Yes, of course. We have to stop deforestation.

Myself                           : What is deforestation mean?

Community leader        : It means cutting down trees.

Myself                           : That’s fine. Is there anything to do?

Community leader        : Obviously. We should not waste materials here and there. We must clean our community clean. In this way, we can make our community green.

Myself                           : Thank you very much. I have learnt many things from you.

Community leader        : You are always welcome.

Kindness কবিতার মূলভাব। Theme of the poem "Kindness."
How we can keep our community green---Gazi Online School

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