Email on how to adjust to a new place and new food. Gazi Online School.

*** Imagine that one of your friends is in England for three months. He is having some troubles with the new place and the new food. Now write an email advising him on how to adjust the new place and the new food.

From          :

To               :

Sent            : Saturday, February 03; 2025

 Subject       : Advice on how to adjust to a new place and new food.

 Dear Mofiz Khan,

How are you? I am passing my days quite (m¤ú~Y©) well. This is to say thanks for your last e-mail. In your last email you wrote that you were facing some troubles to adjust there in England and also with the new foods you are having there. Don’t worry for this at all. Everyone has to face such troubles. But they are for the time being. Within a few days, it would become as usual. You should move here and there to observe the behaviour of the people and try to mix and exchange views with them. I know English people are very friendly and co-operative. If you do so, you will soon be able to make friendship with the people of the new place.

 No more today. More when we shall meet. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Stay safe. Have a nice time. Write me soon.

Your loving friend

Gazi Sharif

Email to your friend describing the recent fair of your school. Gazi Online School.
Weeding Ceremony-Paragraph - Gazi Online School.

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