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ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯২ সালের ইংরেজী প্রশ্ন

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯২

বিষয়ঃ ইংরেজী

সময়ঃ পূর্ণমানঃ

1. Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

(a) What is your father? (b) Which game do you like to play? (c) Why do farmers look for monsoon? (d) Where do the people board on the aero plane? (e) Have you ever been to Chittagong?

2. Name the parts of speech of the following bold words.

(a) Diamond is a precious metal. (b) Honesty is the best policy. (c) Yesterday was Thursday. (d) I cut my finger myself. (e) He drew a picture. 3. Fill in the gaps with necessary articles. (a) Keya is --- best girl in the class. (b) Arabic is not -- easy subject. (c) The school goers have — uniform. (d) He is as wise as -- owl. (e) Is this — boy who stole the book?

4. Use opposite words in the following blanks. (a) Your cup is full but my cup is — (b) His eyes are wet but my eyes are —. (c) Ripe mangoes taste sweet but green mangoes taste — (d) This is the best time and that is the — time. (e) Wild animals live in jungles and — animals live in the houses.

5. Correct the following sentences.

(a) Please take your sit. (b) Karnaphuli is a beautiful river. (c) The Minister gave a policeman many advices. (d) His father was died last year. (e) I don't know where do he live.

6. Complete the following sentences with suitable words. (a) The lady who writes poems is a — (b) A man who loves his country is a—. (c) A man who travels countries is a (d) A man who shows magic is a . (e) A man who leads or commands man is a

7. Why or when do we use these things? Answer any five of the following?

(a) A watch, (b) A stick, (c) An umbrella, (d) A comb, (e) A sweater, (f) A thermometer, (g) A satchel.

8. Fill in the gaps with the following words.

sweet, soft, cruel, fair, bright.

(a) The girl is as — as fairy. (b) His heart is as — as a rose. (c) His voice is as — as a cuckoo. (d) Jute is as — as gold. (e) The tiger is as — as a lion. 9. Join each pair of the following sentences as directed in the brackets. a) Was raining. I could not go out. (use 'as') b) I can play with you. I cannot play with your brother. (use 'but') c) Dulal is my friend. His brother is my friend. (use 'as well as') d) He did not come. He was ill. (use 'because') e) He came to my house. I was reading. (use 'when')

10. Name the tenses of the following.

a) She was drawing a picture of a village girl. b) He used to go by the river. c) He will have written a letter to his mother. d) I have been reading since morning. e) I shall be playing football.

11. Fill in the following blanks taking the correct words from the brackets. a) Did he— to school everyday? (went/ go/ gone) b) He — a tree a week ago. (cuts/ cutted/ cut) c) He has not— lies. (told/ tell/ said) d) He I reached. (had left/ left/ has left) e) I shall have done the work till he —. (comes/came/ come)

12. Translation into English.

a) আমি পরীক্ষা দিচ্ছি। b) কুকুর ছানাটি শীতে কাপঁছিল। c) পরীক্ষায় অকৃতকার্য হতে পারে।

d) কে না সুখী হতে চায়? e) চল আমরা বেড়িয়ে আসি।

13. Write in ten sentences about your motherland.

ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯২ সালের বাংলা প্রশ্ন
ক্যাডেট কলেজ ভর্তি পরীক্ষা, ১৯৯১ সালের বাংলা প্রশ্ন

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