Arsenic Pollution - Paragraph (JSC-SSC-HSC) - Gazi Online School.

Arsenic Pollution

The arsenic pollution has become a major (প্রধান) problem for the people of Bangladesh. Thousands of people in Bangladesh are suffering from arsenic poisoning. At present it becomes an important matter for our country. Arsenic is a poisonous (বিষাক্ত) white compound (যৌগ) of brittle (মরনশীল) element. Arsenic pollution is very dangerous for health. The presence of arsenic in tubewell water in maximum districts of Bangladesh makes the people fearful (ভীত/আতঙ্কিত). The people of North Bengal are affected (আক্রান্ত) greatly. If a man drinks arsenic contaminated (দূষিত) water, he is affected by disease and after many days the symptoms (লক্ষন) are found. Poisoning by arsenic is slow process. It damages the kidneys, the liver, the skin and even the nerves system of body.

Long term poisoning might cause also death of the sufferers. Many people in our country are being affected everyday. For the prevention of it, we should drink only arsenic-free (মুক্ত) water. Besides this, we have to eat a healthy and balanced diet. To ensure (নিশ্চিত) supply of arsenic-free water, we should sink deep tube-wells. Water treatment plant should be established in the rural (গ্রাম্য) areas and the arsenic contaminated tube-wells should be identified (সনাক্ত) by red colour. We should remember that arsenic poison cannot be removed by boiling (সিদ্ধ) or filtering water. So, all of us should be conscious of arsenic poison and should be careful about using water. It is safe to drink pure rain water. Water of pond, river can be made pure and fit for drinking. Arsenic pollution has taken a dreadful (ভয়ঙ্কর) shape in the country. So, we should take proper steps to ensure a healthier and happier life to our people by preventing arsenic pollution.


Dowry System (Paragraph) - (JSC-SSC-HSC)- Gazi Online School

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