Dowry System (Paragraph) - (JSC-SSC-HSC)- Gazi Online School
Dowry System
In our country, there are many kinds of unpleasant (অসন্তোষ) customs (প্রথা/রীতি). The most hateful (ঘৃণ্য/নোংরা) system (পদ্ধতি) in our country is dowry system. Dowry means money or property that a bride (কনে) brings to her husband as a condition (শর্ত) of marriage. This practice of earning money has become a tradition (ঐতিহ্য) in our society. This is simply shameful (লজ্জাজনক). Poverty (দারিদ্রতা) is the main cause of dowry. Negative attitude (মনোভাব) towards women, dependence নির্ভরতাof women, impact (প্রভাব) of social corruption (দুর্নীতি) is also responsible for this social problem. The bad impact of the dowry system is too much.
Every day in newspapers we find news describing maltreatment (খারাপ আচরন) and torture (অত্যাচার) of the brides for dowry. In some cases, women are beaten up and even killed by setting fire or feeding (খাওয়ানো) poison (বিষ). And in almost (প্রায়ই) every case, where the brides are not physically (শারীরিক) tortured, they are made to feel that they have committed a crime (অপরাধ) in being born as girls. Though (যদিও) it is very tough (কঠিন) to remove dowry system totally from the society and the whole country, but we have to try at any cost (যে কোন মূল্যে). Without removing this acute (তীব্র) problem, we cannot get relief (মুক্তি). Everybody feels the problem, but nobody takes proper steps to remove it. Dowry system is the negligence (অবহেলা/গাফেলতি) of some people. Only government cannot solve this problem from our society. Besides, government, we should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies (আইন প্রয়োগকারী সংস্থা) should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. Otherwise, the problem would more difficult in future. Dowry system is possible to remove by creating public awareness (সচেতনতা). So, we should be more active to get better solution.
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