A School Magazine - Paragraph - SSC- HSC - Gazi Online School

A School Magazine

A school magazine is a magazine which contains (ধারন করা) the writings of the teachers and students of a school. It is the threshold (প্রবেশদ্বার) for the future writers of a country. It is also the mirror (আয়না) of a school. Now-a-days almost every reputed (খ্যাতিমান) school has a school magazine of its own (নিজস্ব) . It is not an easy task (কাজ) to publish a school magazine. A magazine committee is formed (গঠন করা) to publish it.

Generally, the headmaster becomes the chairman and chief (প্রধান) patron (পৃষ্ঠপোষক) of it. An editor (সম্পাদক) is selected from the teachers. He is helped by some other teachers and some other talented (মেধাবী/প্রতিভাধর) students. Then the students are asked to submit (জমা দেওয়া) their writings for it. Normally poems, short stories, jokes (কৌতুক) and other writings related to school affairs (বিষয়/ব্যাপার) are submitted. The best writings are selected from the students and they are sent to press (ছাপাখানা) for printing. When a young learner sees his writing published in the magazine, his chest (বুক) is swollen (ফুলে উঠা) with pride (গর্ব). Thus, a school magazine helps a learner (শিক্ষার্থী ) to enhance (বৃদ্ধি করা) the inner (ভিতরের/আভ্যন্তরীন) faculties (কর্মশক্তি) of a student. It develops his power (ক্ষমতা) of thinking (ভাবনা) and imagination (কল্পনা). Many a famous writer of today has come to this level treading (মাড়িয়ে) the threshold (দ্বার) of the school magazine. Like others, we have also a school magazine. Its name is “Anirban.” Every year we publish it successfully. 

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