English Assignment -03 - Class- Eight (8). 100 percent correct answer.

English Assignment -03 - Class- Eight (8)

From English Grammar and Composition

Exercise at page no: 143

1. It was a great sight. 

 Answer: Wasn't it a great sight? 

 2. No one can tolerate this. 

 Answer: Can anyone tolerate this?

 3. Nobody salutes the setting sun. 

 Answer: Does anybody salute the setting sun? 

 4. Gulliver could hear his watch ticking in his pockets. 

 Answer: Couldn't Gulliver his watch ticking in his pockets?

 5. It is useless to cry over split milk. 

 Answer: Is it useful to cry over split milk.

 6. The beauty of nature is beyond description. 

 Answer: Isn't the beauty of nature beyond description?

 7. Everybody has heard of Darwin. 

 Answer: Who has not heard of Darwin?

 8. He has his dinner at seven every evening. 

 Answer: Hasn't he his dinner at seven every evening? 

 9. I told him to practice regularly. 

 Answer: Didn't I tell him to practice regularly?

 10. Virtue has its own reward. 

 Answer: Hasn't virtue its own reward? 

(ii) Suppose, you visited a place last year. Describing that place answering the following questions. 

1. Where did you visit? 

2. Why did you go there?

3. How did you go there?
4. Who accompanied you?

5. Did you like the place? Why/why not?


Man is curious to see the unseen, to know the unknown and to explore the unexplored. So as a human being, I also have a keen interest to see and know the historical places. During the last winter vacation. I got a golden opportunity to make a visit to Bagerhat, a well-known historical place. I visited the place with some of my other friends.

I accompanied by some of my friends reached the Airport Railway Station in time and bought four tickets. We got into the first class compartment. Then the train started for Khulna at 10 a.m. and we reached Khulna Railway Station at 4 p.m. From there we reached our booked hotel.

Of course, I liked the place. Bagerhat is mainly famous for the Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali. Khan Jahan Ali was a great Muslim saint. The Mazar of Khan Jahan Ali is a fine one storied building. It has beautiful domes. Hazrat Khan Jahan Ali was buried there. The tomb is made of stones. On the tomb there are writing in Arabic that he died on 25 October 1459. There is a beautiful mosque near the Mazar. A big fair took place beside the Mazar during my staying. It attracted me very much. 

In Khulna, I also visited the Shatgambuj Mosque. It is a very large and beautiful building. Near the Mosque there is a big Dighi. This is called the 'Ghora Dighi' after the name of the horse. There is a saying that before digging the  Dighi, a horse was made to run a certain distance and that distance was accepted as the length of the Dighi. I was really impressed by observing the sights. That is why I liked Bagerhat very much.

Bagerhat is really an interesting place. I spent only a few hours there and enjoyed many historical and attractive things. I am really fortunate to visit such a place. The memory of Bagerhat will remain evergreen in my mind.

Suppose, you visited a place last year. Describe... English Assignment -03 - Class- Eight (8)
English Assignment -03 - Class- Seven (7). 100 percent correct answer.

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