English Assignment -03 - Class- Seven (7). 100 percent correct answer.

Third Assignment:

(i) Rewrite the passage using correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 

Dear Masum, 

Your letter regarding your joyful picnic (come) has come to me just now as a marvelous one. In your letter you (want) wanted to know about the picnic that we (enjoy) have enjoyed recently. Now I (write) am writing to you about it. We the students of class seven (choose) chose Sonargoan as our picnic spot. We (be) were 30 in number. One of our teachers (be) were with us. we (reach) reached there about 10 a.m. We (enjoy) enjoyed the day very much. At last we (return) returned home safely. We have never (forget) forgot/forgotten the day.

Yours ever

Monir an>

(ii) Answer will be posted soon.

(iii) Chose the correct preposition from the list and fill in the gaps. 

(on, beside, at, about, in, of, into)

Dear Mita, 

At first take my cordial love. Hope you are safe and sound. Today I'm going to tell you about my reading room. The morning sun rays enters into it. And there is enough space of air circulation. There are a reading table, a chair and a bookshelf in my room. If you come you can see there are a world map, a wall clock and some beautiful wall mats hung on the wall In my reading room. The bookshelf is kept beside  the table. I like my reading room and I  I keep it neat and clean

English Assignment -03 - Class- Eight (8). 100 percent correct answer.
Assignment -03 - Class- Six. Have you ever visited a railway station or a bus station. Correct answer.

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