Kartik Poramanik is an inspiration for us. Do you agree. Why or why not. Assignment- Class-8

Assignment: Kartik Poramanik is an inspiration for us. Do you agree? Why/why not?

Answer: Yes, I agree that Kartik Poramanik is an inspiration for us. I am giving the reasons why I am agree about this point. 

Kartik Poramanik is a hairdresser. Kartik's mission is to plant saplings. At the age of ten he began to plant trees as he loves trees very much from from the core of his heart.  His father encouraged him to plant trees his father also told him he (K) could earn the blessing of God by planting trees. Kartik worked day time to lead his family and at night he watered his trees. By observing this people used to tease him and called him mad.

Very important thing is that Kartik himself paid the two lavourers from his pockets. Kartik loves the trees like his sons and so he called them "my trees." By working hard all day long he somehow manage the cost for planting trees. By planting trees he is leaving signature all around in nature. People will remember his name because of his tree planting mission. Finally I will say that Kartik Poramanik is a philanthropist. Despite of his poverty his planting trees proves his philanthropic nature. 

So under the above circumstances, I strongly believe that Kartik Poramanik is an inspiration for us.

Imagine there is a boat- school in your area to teach river gypsy Children. Assignment-class-8
Why do you think that the title is appropriate for the story of "The truthful dove."

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