Quarantine - Paragraph - Gazi Online School

Quarantine - Paragraph

The word quarantine comes from the Italian word, ‘quarantena’, which means ‘forty days’. Quarantine is a way of separating and restricting people who have been exposed to a disease, such as COVID-19. A quarantine keeps such people away from others so they don’t unknowingly infect anyone in their vicinity (কাছাকাছি/সান্নিধ্য). It is used by Governments to prevent the spread (ছড়ান) of communicable (সংক্রামক) diseases. There are two types of quarantine - One is home quarantine and another is institutional (প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক) quarantine.

In home quarantine, people are locked down within their houses, and community (সম্প্রদায়) is engaged to watch over them. It is done when a person willingly (নিজের ইচ্ছায়) separates himself and his family members from the community. In institutional quarantine, people are kept in a place arranged by the government. This is usually done for a large number of people returning from foreign countries severely (মারাত্মকভাবে) affected by Covid-19. The main problem with quarantine is that persons under quarantine are often detained (আটক) without regard to their essential needs. Quarantine can be a highly effective (কার্যকর) tool in preventing the spread of contagious (ছোঁয়াছে) disease like Covid-19. Practicing social distancing, avoiding public transports, crowds or touching anyone and maintaining overall personal hygiene (স্বাস্থ্যবিধি) may prove useful during any kind of quarantine. 

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