Dengue Fever - Paragraph
Dengue Fever is a viral (ভাইরাসঘটিত) disease. It is caused by a kind of mosquito (মশা). An African female mosquito named Aedes (এডিস) carries the germs (জীবানু) of this diseases. The fever was first detected (সনাক্ত) in our country in 1966. It may lay (পাড়া) eggs in stagnant (অস্বাস্থ্যকর/নোংরা) water at any places. Once a person is affected (আক্রান্ত) by this virus, uninfected (অসংক্রমিত) mosquitos can be infected while feeding (খাওয়ানো) on the blood of an infected person. After that, the mosquitos will transmit (অন্য লোকের কাছে পাঠান) this virus to a different person. After getting infected by the virus, it takes some time to show the symptoms (লক্ষন). These symptoms can take 4-12 days to appear (দৃশ্যায়মান).
Its symptoms may include high fever along with some other symptoms. These symptoms include severe (সিভিয়ার-অনেক বেশি/গুরুতর) headache (মাথাব্যাথা), pain behind the eyes, Vomiting, Muscle and joint pains, rash (ফুসকুড়ি) etc. There are two kind of dengue fever. One is classical dengue and another is hemorrhagic dengue. Classical dengue is not so serious. On the other hand, hemorrhagic dengue is very serious. Once someone is infected by the hemorrhagic dengue virus and starts to show symptoms of Dengue Fever, immediate actions should be taken . Otherwise, (অন্যথায়) it can cause death. To prevent (প্রতিরোধ করা) being infected by the dengue fever virus, we all should take precautions (সতর্কতা) beforehand (আগে থেকে). First of all, our environment should be kept clean so that it doesn’t become the habitat (আবাসস্থল) of mosquitos. So to prevent the spread of Aedes mosquitoes, their habitat must be destroyed (ধ্বংস). In places where Aedes mosquitoes lay their eggs, especially water stuck in tree tubs, coconut shells (খোসা), cups etc. should be removed. Aedes mosquitoes usually bite in the morning and evening, during which time we must sleep with a mosquito net. Especially small children should always sleep under a mosquito net. City Corporation should play a vital (মুখ্য) role (ভূমিকা) in cleaning the city areas to keep its inhabitants (বাসিন্দাদের) safe from the infection of the Dengue virus. The government should take necessary steps beforehand (আগে থেকে) to fight dengue fever infection from spreading (ছড়ানো). Otherwise, the death toll can rise high which will be troublesome (কষ্টকর) for our country. With proper steps, we can save people from being infected by dengue fever and decrease (হ্রাসকরা) the death rate. We should never be taken this problem lightly (হালকাভাবে).