A Bus Stand - Exclusive Paragraph - JSC-SSC-HSC-Gazi Online School

A Bus Stand -Paragraph

A bus stand is a place (জায়গা) where buses stop and start from. Passengers (যাত্রী) come here and wait for a bus. When a bus comes, some passengers get down (নেমে যাওয়া) and some passengers get into (প্রবেশ করা) the bus. Generally a bus stand is seen two or more street crossing points, near a medical center, school or college gate, near a market etc. Local buses usually (সচরাচর) do not have a specific (নির্দিষ্ট) bus stand. For intercity (আন্তঃনগর) buses, there are designated (মনোনীত) bus stands along (পাশাপাশি/সম্মুখ বরাবর) the highway. From where passengers buy bus tickets and wait for the bus. It is a busy and crowded (জনাকীর্ণ/ভীড়) place. The hawkers (ফেরিওয়ালা) shout (চিৎকার করা), vendors (বিক্রেতারা) move, the potters (কুমোরেরা) walk and the beggars beg singing religious (ধর্মীয়) chorus (কোরাস-দলীয় গান).
The hawkers sell betel leaf (পান পাতা), bread, cigarettes etc. Sometimes seasonal (মৌসুমী) fruits are also sold in a railway station. A bus station has some defects (অসুবিধা). Gambling parties (জুয়াড়ী) are often seen in a bus station. It is noisy and unhealthy place. Many times various criminal (অপরাধী) activities like snatching (ছিনতাই), fighting (মারামারি), drug (মাদক) dealing (ব্যবসা), etc. take place at the bus stand. Beside, the bus stand is a very favorite place for pickpockets (পকেটমারগন)The condition (অবস্থা) of most bus stands in Bangladesh is very poor. There is no security (নিরাপত্তা) of life and property (সম্পত্তি) of the passengers. Again, In a bus stand shops are seen selling products at higher prices (মূল্য) than usual. There is no better way to rest or wait for the bus. After all (সর্বেোপরি, a bus station plays an important role (ভূমিকা) in communication (যোগাযোগ). So Government should take proper steps (পদক্ষেপ) for the improvement (উন্নতি) of a bus stand.

Prepared by: 
Gazi Sharif
BA (Hons) English, MA In ELT, MA In TESOL (Studying)
B.Ed, M. Ed
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