Report on "Severe Traffic Jam in Dhaka." (HSC) - Gazi Online School.

Suppose, you are a reporter of a renowned newspaper. Write a report for your newspaper on “Traffic Jam in Dhaka.”


Severe Traffic Jam in Dhaka


Staff Correspondent, September 23: The traffic jam in the city of Dhaka has already gone beyond the forbearance of the city dwellers. It is getting acute day by day. The city dwellers now can hardly measure the time to be taken to reach their destination. The distance previous taken 20 or 30 minutes now requires more than one or two hours. The work schedule of the people now, so to say, is at the hand of traffic jam. This persistent traffic jam not only hampers the daily activity of the people but also tells upon the mental condition of the city dwellers.

The most distressing fact about traffic jam is that it gets acute particularly when people are extreme busy, for example at the time of office going. The students and the service holders feel much helpless and frustrated when they get stuck in a traffic jam. Many people fail to attend their office in time. Jasim Uddin, a university student complained that he very often becomes late to attend his classes. Time is the most valuable things int the twenty first centaury no doubt and traffic jam is killing the most productive time of the people of Dhaka city. Time is going on and on and we are lagging behind. The world is becoming speedy where as we are becoming slower. In order to find their real solution, both long term and short time measures must be taken. But long term strategy will claim a huge expenditure which becomes really beyond our means. But short term could be implemented employing much less expenditure and effort.

Let us try to implement the suggested measures through our concerted efforts. More numbers of flyovers and foot overs should be built to lessen traffic jam.

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