SSC Sentence Connectors with answer

SSC Sentence Connectors with answer

1. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Rajshahi Board – 2015

(a) ----------, there are some differences between practical knowledge and bookish knowledge. (b) ---------- often they are thought to be the same. (c) ---------- a man is educated in the truest sense, he will be able to lead a life completely different from others. (d) ---------- he can distinguish between right and wrong. (e) ---------- education is very important.


(a) Actually/truly/Obviously/Surely

(b) But

(c) If

(d) Besides

(e) So

2. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Dhaka Board – 2015

The foods that we eat can be divided into six kinds (a) _____ what substances they contain and (b) _____ benefits they do to us. Fish, meat, peas and milk provide us with protein (c) _____ build our body and helps us grow. (d) _____ we do not take all these, we cannot grow well. Vitamins and mineral salts protect us from diseases (e) _____ keep us fit for work.


(a) According to

(b) what

(c) that/which

(d) If

(e) and

3. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Cumilla Board – 2016

Student life is the best time in life. (e) _____ almost every student is free from cares (b) _____ anxieties of life. He has nothing to do (c) _____study. (d) _____ a student, he should read novels, magazines, newspapers (e) _____ text books. 


(a) As / Since / Because / When

(b) and

(c) but/except

(d) As

(e) Along with/besides

4. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Chattogram Board – 2016

Every citizen has some duties and responsibilities for his nation. (a) --------- most of the people are careless in this respect. People of this country have achieved national identity at the cost of a great sacrifice (b) --------- is still evaluated nationally. (c) ---------

 some selfish people never want to give them recognition. (d) --------- we all should do some benevolent activities. (e) ---------

 we will be guilty to the nation.


(a) But

(b) which/that

(c) Although/Though

(d) However

(e) Otherwise

5. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Sylhet Board – 2016

(a) -------- I were a rich man I would help other. People living under poverty line have the hope of better days (b) -------- they do not get (c) -------- they dream of (d) --------their condition is getting from bad to worse. The only thing (e) -------- they need is nothing but education.


(a) If

(b) But

(c) what

(d) Rather

(e) Which/what

6. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Barishal Board – 2016

A hare is a very speedy animal. (a) ------, a tortoise moves very slowly. (b) ------, it has a heavy shell in its back. (c) ------, its legs are short. (d) ------, it cannot move as fast as other animals. One morning a hare laughed at a tortoise for its slow motion. The hare asked the tortoise to run a race. (e) ------ the tortoise felt hurt, it agreed to the proposal of the hare. Answer:

(a) On the contrary/In contrast/On the other hand

(b) Because/As/Since

(c) Besides

(d) So

(e) As/Since

7. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Sylhet Board – 2015

It is known to all that gold is a valuable metal. (a) ------------, there are many metals cheaper than gold though they look like it. (b) ------------ they glitter for sometimes, they fade away in the long run. In our society there are also many people (c) ------------ are outwardly very gentle and polished. Later on, their real identity is revealed (d) ------------ they do not exercise moral values. That’s why, people say, “All (e) ----- glitters is not gold”. 


(a) But

(b) Though/Although

(c) who

(d) when

(e) that

8. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Cumilla Board – 2015

Once upon a time, there lived a fox (a) ----------- was very clever. He lived in a jungle in a very hot country (b) ----------- Bangladesh. One day (c) ----------- Mr. Fox was walking through the jungle, he fell into a trap. After trying very hard he could get out of the trap (d) ----------- lost his tail. Without his tail Mr. Fox looked very strange. (e) ----------- he felt very sad and ashamed.


(a) which/that

(b) like

(c) while

(d) but

(e) So/Therefore/As a result

9. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Dinajpur Board – 2016

An idle man does not do his work in right time. He puts off work of today for tomorrow. A student (a) --------- neglects his daily lessons is sure to fail. A young man who idles away his time becomes a burden to the family (b) --------- in the society. His brain becomes the workshop of the devils. It is said (c) --------- the devil tempts the busy man (d) --------- the idle man tempts the devil. (e) --------- everyone should make the best use of time.


(a) who

(b) and/as well as

(c) that

(d) whereas/on the other hand

(e) So/Therefore

10. Complete the passage using suitable connectors.

Barishal Board – 2016

A healthy man can do any work. (a) ---------- he can eat any food he likes. (b) ---------- he can enjoy life in every way. (c) ---------- an unhealthy man is unhappy, for he cannot eat and do what he likes. (d) ---------- he lives and dies poor. He may have intelligence, merit, learning and power, but he cannot put them to the use and reap their benefits. (e) ---------- health is the source of all happiness in life.  


(a) besides

(b) So/Therefore/That is why

(c) On the other hand/ On the contrary

(d) Besides/moreover

(e) So/Therefore


যমুনা সেতু - অনুচ্ছেদ - Gazi Online School
Class 9- English Assignment Solution 5th week 100 percent correct answer

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