Voice Change - SSC Board Questions Analysis - Gazi Online School - গাজী অনলাইন স্কুল

Voice Change
SSC Board Questions Analysis

(1) Our life is not measured by months or years. (Active)

Dhaka Board - 2019

Ans: We do not measure our life by months or years.

(2) So, we should not waste time in vain. (Passive)

Dhaka Board – 2019

Ans: So, time should not be wasted in vain by us.

(3) Computers are now-a-days being used in almost every sphere of life. (Active)

Cumilla Board – 2019

Ans: Now-a-days computers are using in almost every sphere of life.

(4) It helps us a lot. (Passive)

Cumilla Board – 2019

Ans: We are helped a lot by it.

(5) He loved the people cordially. (Passive)

Chattogram Board – 2019

Ans: The people were loved cordially by him.

(6) People hate a corrupted man. (Passive)

Jashore Board – 2016, Sylhet Board – 2019

Ans: A corrupted man is hated by people.

(7) A student can visit all the renowned libraries of the world without going there. (Passive)

Barisal Board – 2019

Ans: All the renowned libraries of the world can be visited by a student without going there.

(8) He is respected by all. (Active)

Rajshahi Board – 2019

Ans: Everybody respects him.

(9) Now, it is being used all over the world. (Make it and active voice)

Dinajpur Board – 2019

Ans: Now, people are using it all over the world.

(10) A terrorist is hated by people. (Active)

Jashore Board – 2019

Ans: People hate a terrorist. 

(11) They should be brought to book. (Active)

Jashore Board – 2019

Ans: The authority should bring them to book.

12. The province of a powerful prince was, once attacked by young Taimur. (Passive)

Ans: Once young Taimur attacked the province of a powerful prince.

(13) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Passive)

All Board – 2018

Ans: Taimur’s all soldiers were killed by the army.

(14) Any answer in the exam should not be elaborated. (Active)

Jashore Board – 2017

Ans: Student should not elaborate any answer in the exam.

(15) The examinee should not waste time doing it. (Passive)

Jashore Board – 2017

Ans: By doing it, time should not be wasted by the examinee.

(16) The government has taken some steps to improve their condition. (Passive) 

Dinajpur Board – 2017

Ans: Some steps have been taken to improve their condition by the government. 

(17) I accepted the invitation (Passive)

Rajshahi Board – 2017, Chattogram Board – 2015

Ans: The invitation was accepted by me. 

(18) It is called the pleasure seekers’ paradise. (Active)

Rajshahi Board – 2017, Chattogram Board - 2015

Ans: People call it the pleasure seekers’ paradise.

(19) Do you know it? (Passive)

Chattogram Board – 2016

Ans: Is it known to you?

(20) Hard work is needed for success, (Active)

Chattogram Board – 2016

Ans: We need hard work for success. 

(21) The light of prosperity can be seen by a hard working person. (Active)

Chattogram Board – 2017

Ans: A hard working person can see the light of prosperity.

 (22) We should remember that industry is the key to success. (Passive)

Chattogram Board – 2017

Ans: That industry is the key to success should be remembered by us.

Or, It should be remembered by us that industry is the key to success.

(23) They waste their valuable time idly. (Use passive voice)

Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: Their valuable time is wasted idly by them.

(24) They are treated badly even their family members. (Use active voice)

Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: Even their family members treat them badly.

(25) He did not misuse this wealth. (Use passive voice)

Jashore Board – 2015, Cumilla Board – 2017, Sylhet Board – 2020

Ans: This wealth was not misused by him.

(26) He is called the friend of humanity. (Use active voice)

Jashore Board – 2015, Cumilla Board – 2017, Sylhet Board – 2020

Ans: People call him the friend of humanity.

(27) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)

Sylhet Board – 2017

Ans: We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books. 

(28) She is respected by everybody. (Make it active)

Dhaka Board – 2017

Ans: Everybody respects her.

(29) He sold them in the neighboring market. (Passive)

Barishal Board – 2017

Ans: They were sold in the neighbouring market by him.

(30) All the students respect him very much. (Passive)

Cumilla Board – 2016

Ans: He is very much respected by all the students.

(31) The readers called for a new edition of his famous book “The Lyrical Ballads” in 1800 (Passive)

Dinajpur Board – 2016

Ans: A new edition of his famous book “The Lyrical Ballads” was called for by the readers in 1800

(32) Every year natural disasters visits us. (Make passive voice)

Barishal Board – 2016

Ans: Every year we are visited by natural disasters.

(33) Crops are damaged by this flood. (Make active voice)  

Barishal Board – 2016

Ans: This flood damages crops.

(34) He was recognized by his teachers as a precious child. (Make it an active voice)

Dinajpur Board – 2015

Ans: His teachers recognized him as a precious child.

(35) Ruplal made a nice little hut for himself in the jungle. (Use passive voice)

Sylhet Board – 2016

Ans: A nice little hut was made by Rulal for himself in the jungle.

(36) Books introduce us to the realm of knowledge. (Use passive voice)

Dhaka Board – 2016

Ans: We are introduced to the realm of knowledge by books.

 (37) More and more books should be read. (Use active voice)

Dhaka Board – 2016

Ans: One should read more and more books.

(38) He did not find any way. (Make it a passive voice)

Rajshahi Board – 2016

Ans: No way was found by him.

(39) The bear smelt his ears, nose and face. (Use passive voice)

Rajshahi Board – 2016

Ans:  His ears, nose and face were smelt by the bear.

(40) Health can be improved by regular physical exercise and a balanced diet. (Use active voice)

Cumilla Board – 2020, 2015

Ans: One can improve one’s health by regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Regular physical exercise and a balanced diet can improve health.

(41) Everybody should know it that malnutrition cause’s weakness. (Use passive voice)

Cumilla Board – 2020, 2015

Ans: It should be known to everybody that malnutrition cause’s weakness.

(42) It was not invented overnight. (Make active voice)

Dhaka Board – 2015

Ans: Scientists did not invent it overnight.

(43) Television should telecast educative programmes. (Make Passive voice)

Dhaka Board – 2015

Ans: Educative programmes should be telecast by television.

(44) The thief was caught. (Active)

Barishal Board – 2015

Ans: People caught the thief.

(45) He gave the thief some food and money. (Passive)

Barishal Board – 2015

Ans: The thief was given some food and money by him.

(46) Flowers are used on different occasions. (Active)

Rajshahi Board – 2015

Ans: People use flowers on different occasions.

(47) We present flower to our nearest and dearest persons. (Passive)

Rajshahi Board – 2015

Ans: Flower is presented to our nearest and dearest persons by us.

(48) They waste their valuable time idly. (Passive)

Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: Their valuable time is wasted idly by them.

(49) They are treated badly even by their family members. (Active)

Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: Even their family members treat them badly.

(50) He sold them in the neighbouring market. (Passive)

Sylhet Board – 2015

Ans: They were sold in the neighbouring market by him.

 (51) Everyone praised her. (Passive)

Dhaka Board – 2020

Ans: She was praised by everyone.

(52) At present, it is called a challenge to fight against it. (Active)

Rajshahi Board – 2020

Ans: At present, we/people call it a challenge to fight against it.

 (53) They are concerned at the outer show of things and beings. (Active)

Jashore Board – 2020

Ans: The outer show of things and beings concerns them.

 (54) It is called the seed time of life. (Active)

Barisal Board – 2020

Ans: We call it the seed time of life.

  (55) Books introduce us to the domain of knowledge. (Passive)

Dinajpur Board – 2020

Ans: We are introduced to the domain of knowledge by books.

(56) People should be motivated to read more and more books. (Active)

Dinajpur Board – 2020

Ans: We should motivate people to read more and more books.

 (57) It is played all over the world. (Active)

Mymensingh Board – 2020

Ans: People play it all over the world.

ইংরেজী অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট- ৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণি - ২য় সপ্তাহ - ২০২১ -(উত্তরসহ) - Gazi Online School
বাংলা অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট- ৬ষ্ঠ শ্রেণি - ১ম সপ্তাহ - ২০২১ -(উত্তরসহ) - Gazi Online School

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